1. Paul instructs Timothy on how to save both himself and his hearers. Craig and Troy feel momentary conviction over being irreverent and silly.
  2. Dr. Steve Paulson discusses what it means to endure evil with faith.
  3. Join Kelsi as she chats with 1517 Scholar in Residence, Chad Bird.
  4. A humble king knows how to pray.
  5. In this episode of Preaching the Text, we explore John's ministry of pointing to Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
  6. Run away from churches that don't proclaim Christ and Him crucified! (Oh, and Craig and Troy explain why you should.)
  7. Life can get so complicated, so full of mind numbing details and various pains that it's easy to wish we lived in a simpler time.
  8. You cannot do if you refuse to listen.
  9. In this episode of Preaching the Text, we discuss Christ's baptism by John in the Jordan River.
  10. Welcome to the Church, Can I Take Your Order? In this episode, we discuss Clement of Rome on the Church, especially good order, fruits of faith, and why the congregation at Corinth shouldn’t run off its pastors.
  11. This episode explores Matthew's account of the wise men visiting Herod having seen the star signaling the birth of Christ.
  12. Only briefly distracted by another Christmas rant, Craig and Troy return to the book of Timothy to examine the qualifications of a deacon of the church