1. Daddy needs to discuss some law and grace.... Chicka-chickahhhhh! This week, Gillespie and Riley go live, reading, discussing, and responding to your questions and comments about Bunyan's writing on law and grace.
  2. The Apostle Paul tells us that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Can there be salvation without something to be saved from? Our sin is indeed great, but the forgiveness of our Savior is greater. It is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance. What does repentance mean? Join Craig and Troy as they talk about these topics and more on For You Radio. www.stjameslcms.church + www.stpeterslc.org
  3. Rev. John Bortulin comes on the show to discuss preaching at funerals.
  4. Dear Rome... Yeah, It’s Probably For The Best That We Never See Each Other Again. This week, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Ulrich Zwingli’s 67 Theses defending the theological reforms in Zurich. Zwingli is provocative, sometimes hyperbolic, but driven by a zeal for the reformation doctrine of Christ alone for the salvation of sinners apart from their works.
  5. How are we to understand election in Romans 9? What does it mean that God loved Jacob and hated Esau?
  6. All views of election and predestination are not equal. These are doctrines meant to comfort and provide assurance.