1. All In The Family. In this episode, we discuss marriage, vocation, and cute theology of the cross. How can Luther’s teaching and preaching on marriage and vocation help Christians at present waist the temptations of the world and Satan, which pervert and disrupt God’s will for marriage? What does baptism have to do with marriage? How does Luther’s formulation of marriage and family help Christians comprehend their relation to society and the state?
  2. In today's episode of Tough Tects, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price delve into Ecclesiastes 2:17-26.
  3. We are interviewing Austin Hanson, who teaches science to middle schoolers at West Central Public Schools. Picking up on our vocation series, we are wanting to talk with people in various vocations,(as we find them) to talk about how their faith impacts their work.
  4. Sermonator 2: Judgment Day. In this episode, we read two sermons from Gerhard Forde and Steven Paulson, then discuss preaching to bound wills, the consequences for Christians when free will sermons are preached, and what’s to be done about bad preaching.
  5. A Total Eclipse of The Heart. In this episode, we discuss preaching to bound wills, and the consequences for both preachers and listeners, as we read Steven Paulson’s essay, Preaching Categorically to Bound Wills.
  6. Author, speaker, and poet Tanner Olson is with us for this episode to talk about the vocation of being a poet. We talk about sharing hope, the writing process, and understanding that our work is for someone.
  7. We are excited to welcome the rapper, Flame, onto the podcast to share about the idea of vocation, and where our good works belong.
  8. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss systems, faces, and vocations.
  9. Have you ever heard the illustration about the janitor in heaven? In this episode Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin what it means to "store up your treasures in heaven."
  10. Riley Suffers An Aneurysm.  In this episode, we discuss the topic of the will while reading Anselm’s treatise on free will and its ramifications for faith, piety, and pastoral care.
  11. Craig and Troy return to the Table of Duties and discuss the vocations of family. How does God expect a Godly man to operate in his family? What does He expect of the wife? What does He expect of the children?