1. The Apostle's pray for boldness to keep preaching. The people of the church are selling property and giving the proceeds to the church.
  2. Our goal is to proclaim the genuine good news—that’s what “Gospel” means—of Christ’s forgiveness for you. We do not offer you better tips, techniques or checklists. Instead, You Are Forgiven is sermons by faithful pastors who will clearly show how you cannot be forgiven by your own efforts, no matter how well you do on your homework, your checklist of tasks. But they will also show how you are actually and already forgiven because Jesus has done all that is needed, for you!
  3. Daniel and Erick spend this entire episode breaking down Peter's sermon and the religious leader's response. Law and gospel are being proclaimed full strength.
  4. Daniel and Erick discuss the early church and their devotion to teaching, the Lord's Supper, fellowship and THE prayers.
  5. On episode FIFTY-EIGHT of Let the Bird Fly! all four of the guys sit down to discuss Preaching as a Means of Grace.
  6. Our goal is to proclaim the genuine good news—that’s what “Gospel” means—of Christ’s forgiveness for you. We do not offer you better tips, techniques or checklists. Instead, You Are Forgiven is sermons by faithful pastors who will clearly show how you cannot be forgiven by your own efforts, no matter how well you do on your homework, your checklist of tasks. But they will also show how you are actually and already forgiven because Jesus has done all that is needed, for you!
  7. What is Peter's response to those looking to be saved? Who and what is baptism FOR?
  8. On episode FIFTY-SIX of Let the Bird Fly! the guys have a full house, with all four of them present, plus three guests.
  9. Daniel and Erick begin the book of Acts. Are there two baptisms? What is going on in the ascension to "heaven?" Who chooses Apostles and do the disciples get it right?
  10. On episode FIFTY-FOUR of Let the Bird Fly! Wade, Mike, and Peter sit down to discuss Paul’s epistle to the faithful in Galatia.
  11. Daniel and Erick finish up the gospel of Matthew in this episode. They discuss the significance of the resurrection, women being the first to see the risen Christ, epic unbelief, and the great commission.
  12. Just in time for Holy Week, Daniel and Erick have come to Matthew's account of the death and burial of Jesus.