1. We were going to talk about preaching during the pandemic, but then things got even crazier. Ringside meets the Craft of Preaching with Dr. David Schmitt discussing how the preaching task is always the same, but the target changes. And Tyler… where’s the bell?
  2. How many presidents does it take to make us question our confidence in this country? No problem, Jesus will be back soon! Just listen to the preachers tell it like it is, and everything will be ok.
  3. When man gives freedom it sometimes ends up being more confining. When man fights for equality it ends up being more oppressive. Repent and believe the Good News!
  4. Sorry, racism, ethnic clashes, cultural differences, are nothing new to the world or the church. Listen to these fools talk about Galatians, racism, and Christianity. Also, a little Smalcald Articles on the Gospel!
  5. It's ok to remember those who gave their life for their country and not remind them that Jesus did something greater just so they don't get a big head. You can tell them the Good News however! Sins forgiven - for free!
  6. Are devotions private or public? Craig and Troy speak on the Word in all its forms, especially the Word as it comes to us through the gathered church.
  7. “What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answers that question with a parable. We have our own question: “Who am I in this parable?” But a better question is “Who is Jesus for me in the parable?”
  8. What is the object of your faith? Have all really sinned and fallen short of God's glory? What is the gift of eternal life? Join Craig and Troy as they talk about all of these topics and more.
  9. Caleb and Scott Keith sit down and answer and a handful of listener questions. Topics include particular sins, where should I go to church, is God Father Loving?
  10. On episode FORTY-FIVE of Let the Bird Fly! the guys (sans Ben) get together to discuss C.S. Lewis’ book The Four Loves.