1. You May Be Right… In this episode of Banned Books, we read Anselm of Canterbury’s Meditation on Sin and Penance. We discuss the consequences of sin, the Fountain of Mercy, Jesus’ excuses, the doctrine of simul iustus et peccator, theological presuppositions, and how we speak influences our behavior.
  2. In this episode of Tough Texts, Daniel Emery Price and Scott Keith take a look at Matthew 27:1-10, offering a nuanced perspective on a figure often vilified in Christian tradition.
  3. The Right and the Left Hands of Jesus.
  4. The First Will Be Last and the Last Will Be First
  5. In this episode of Tough Texts, Daniel Emery Price and Scott Keith explore the complexities of 1 Peter 4:1-6.
  6. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson take up the story of the wedding feast at Cana.
  7. Craig and Troy open up a new book of the Bible, the epistle of 1 John.
  8. In episode THREE HUNDRED AND SIX, Mike and Wade discuss the woman who anointed Jesus in Bethany, prompting some to complain that she could have sold her perfume and given it to the poor.