1. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steven Paulson discuss a failed instance of the disciples trying to heal someone.
  2. The wrath of God is thrown upon Jonah and all those around him as he attempts to run from God.
  3. In the last of this 3 part series on the Song of Moses, Chad meditates on some of the dominant religious ideas of our day.
  4. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss Christ's encounter with the Syrophoenecian woman.
  5. Introduction to the Song of Solomon.
  6. According to Chad, we should take care to give thanks to God when things are going smoothly, lest we become proud, arrogant and rebellious.
  7. Finally, the end of Judges! Except it's depressing . . . and sad . . . and full of foolishness and falseness and just plain sin.
  8. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss what makes a person clean or unclean.
  9. When we approach evil by our power, we will suffer great defeat.