1. We are discussing "I can do all things through Christ" in context of the rest of the passage, and then we discuss the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac (rather... not sacrificing him) and whether or not Christians are called to sacrifice. Is that what this passage is talking about?
  2. In the constant search for new and novel experiences, are we forsaking the simple word of God? Beware of the leaven of novelty.
  3. Luther is on a mission to wake up Erasmus and his sleeping God.
  4. Dr. Paulson continues the discussion on Erasmus's use of kindness.
  5. Jesus came not only for the sheep, but apparently for the dogs as well. You won't believe what happens when she asks for a favor.
  6. Tradition in service of the gospel is good. Demanding the gospel serve tradition shows the filth of your heart.
  7. Dr. Paulson continues working through Paul's use of Exodus in his letter to the Romans.
  8. One one level, Jesus does an impressive work of feeding 5,000+ with just a few rolls and some fish. But on a deeper level, we see Jesus preparing the eternal feast for you.
  9. It's easy to look at our faith through an emotional lens. Are you on an emotional high, or an emotional low? Are you on a mountaintop, or are things silent in the valley? What happens to your faith when you aren't "feeling it."
  10. Craig and Troy riff on rapid-fire parables, and Jesus trains us for the Kingdom. Go back and check out our series on parables at https://tinyurl.com/y7h8hjve
  11. In this episode Gretchen and Katie get to as Kelsi Klembara about the practical implications of giving assurance. To put it another way, what is the fruit of giving assurance?
  12. In this episode, we interview one of our favorite people: Kelsi Klembara, editor of the 1517 website. Kelsi has done a lot of research on the topic of assurance of our salvation from both a theological and historical point of view, and we had some questions for her.