1. Ramble Tamble. In this episode, we do a pastor’s table talk that centers on inculcating a deeper appreciation for heavenly mystery and earthly reality: prayer at home, worship on vacation, the connection of the land to God’s judgment and salvation of his people, the early church’s exegesis, Genesis snd Revelation, and Logos theology that binds the Trinity and Creeds.
  2. If we ever feel abandoned, for one thing that puts us in good company, like King David.
  3. Hidden Streams has now recorded devotional meditations and songs for all of the Book of Psalms.
  4. Kelsi chats with the Reverend Jacob Smith about the authority of Scripture - how we define it and what it means for us - both Christian and non-Christian.
  5. Happy 4th of July! Celebrating freedom and the blessings we have in Christ.
  6. In this episode of Tough Text, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price discuss the parable of the rich man and Lazarus from Luke 16, emphasizing the importance of understanding it as a parable rather than a literal account.
  7. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT, Mike, Jason, and Wade build on our previous two episodes on travel, books and language and time and space. Where is God present?
  8. Psalm 36 Kirsten Ford sings "From the Waters of Eden"
  9. Psalm 147 meditates on God's wondrous rule over all of His creation, and His loving care for His children.