1. Ringside Preachers and Craft of Preaching join forces to bring you this special edition podcast discussing "Christianity Without Christendom." with Rev. Dr. Jeff Gibbs from Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
  2. Dr. Paulson talks about the importance of distinguishing between Law and Gospel.
  3. Mike is joined by Rev. Greg Lyon once again, this time to discuss the role of Law & Gospel on a college campus and especially the relentless draw of the opinio legis. Rev. Lyon has the unique perspective of serving students on a college campus as their campus pastor. And yet despite the unique time in the lives of these young adults, it's no surprise that even here opinio legis rears its ugly and persistent head.
  4. “Let no one fear death, for the Death of our Savior has set us free. He has destroyed it by enduring it. He destroyed Hell when He descended into it. He put it into an uproar even as it tasted of His flesh. Christ is Risen, and the tomb is emptied of its dead!” - Chrysostom
  5. Dr. Paulson begins to introduce Thomas Aquinas and how he crafts a story of the Law. Dr. Paulson then talks about how myth, story, and life revolve around law.
  6. Gretchen and Katie wrap up their conversation on parenting, otherwise known as "calling a thing what it is." They talk about confession and absolution in the home and standing back when we try to take over the Holy Spirit's role.
  7. In this unusual episode, recorded in Gretchen's basement, getting interrupted by children too often, Gretchen and Katie talk about parenting.
  8. In this episode, Katie and Gretchen talk about how law and gospel distinctions affect relationships we have at church and in ministry.
  9. We asked Dr. Steven Paulson when the end of the world would be… He said it already happened and we missed it! But that’s Ok, Jesus invites you into it! Perk up your ears and give us listening to.
  10. Caleb and Dr. Paulson are joined by John Hoyum to discuss Isaiah's Amen gloss.