1. Kelsi and her husband, Doug Klembara, share how they navigated their theological differences in the early days of marriage.
  2. Ramble Tamble. In this episode, we do a pastor’s table talk that centers on inculcating a deeper appreciation for heavenly mystery and earthly reality: prayer at home, worship on vacation, the connection of the land to God’s judgment and salvation of his people, the early church’s exegesis, Genesis snd Revelation, and Logos theology that binds the Trinity and Creeds.
  3. You know what the most amazing thing about the story of Samson is?
  4. If we ever feel abandoned, for one thing that puts us in good company, like King David.
  5. Hidden Streams has now recorded devotional meditations and songs for all of the Book of Psalms.
  6. In this bonus episode, Chad Bird joins Kelsi in person to discuss his newest book, ⁠Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament⁠, which is out next week!
  7. Happy 4th of July! Celebrating freedom and the blessings we have in Christ.
  8. Justification is famously called the article upon which the church stands or falls. It is the article upon which The Lutheran Reformation stood boldly and confessed the Scriptural truth that we are made right before God by grace through faith on account of Christ alone.
  9. We've found Katie Koplin, in the midst of moving into an old church, and working on her training to become a Christian counselor.