1. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND TWELVE, Mike and Wade are give thanks for the life and ministry of Jim Nestingen and discuss his article entitled “Justification by Faith in Luther’s Small Catechism.”
  2. Today we learn of the mystery of Christ become flesh. Our normal inclination is to think of God beyond our comprehension in holy majesty – too far above for us to imagine.
  3. Ted Just Admit It! He’s Always Been The Lamb. In this episode, we discuss Irenaeus’ Proof of Apostolic Preaching and what he has to say to those who make a show of faith but deny the incarnation of the Son according to the witness of Scripture.
  4. Divide by Two, but Add by One. In this episode, we discuss Nestorius’ sermon on whether Mary was Theotokos or not and what happens when one tries to comment on the two natures of God using Greek philosophy to exegete Scripture.
  5. God Has No Skin in The Game? In this episode, we discuss Tertullian’s argument against Marcion about God’s being born flesh and blood in his treatise, On The Flesh of Christ. What’s at stake when well-meaning Christians disembody God and, consequently, Christians?
  6. The conversation of the 2nd article of the Apostle's Creed continues.
  7. The Thinking Fellows are joined by Dr. Jack Kilcrease to discuss the centrality and importance of the doctrine of the Word.