1. How many presidents does it take to make us question our confidence in this country? No problem, Jesus will be back soon! Just listen to the preachers tell it like it is, and everything will be ok.
  2. God the Father, God the Space Ghost, and God the Holy Ghost? That doesn't seem right. How about, God the Father, God the Created Son, and . . . no, that's not right either. Craig and Troy look at some more Christoogical heresies that try to understand Jesus, but miss the mark.
  3. Forget prayer, America needs the use of logic and civilized discourse! So do preachers. What if preachers actually honestly engage the culture instead of cry “martyr”? Ringside meets The Craft of Preaching with special guest Dr. Ben Haupt.
  4. Knowing who Jesus is allows us to be reassured of our salvation. Jesus is both true God and true man, in a mysterious way that cannot be fully understood. "Bad words" about Jesus result in heresy and are destructive to your faith.
  5. When man gives freedom it sometimes ends up being more confining. When man fights for equality it ends up being more oppressive. Repent and believe the Good News!
  6. Walking on water is what we need. Jesus does it. We got baptism. Float through it all as the Modest Mouse song says!
  7. How big can you build your cross? Or maybe that's not what Jesus wants from his followers. I guess you should listen to find out...
  8. God Bless the pandemic! Unfortunately, no one is going to learn from it. The preachers tackle issues others are afraid to even speak out loud! This time - Aliens! Do they exist and if so, would you baptize one?
  9. On this episode of the Soul of Christianity, Debi and Dan chat with Paul Ralph of “the ideas cafe” based in Holland Landing, Ontario, Canada. Paul has a way with words and has a story of faith and personal struggles that you don’t want to miss.