1. Nuance, listening, patience, dialogue. These things seem missing as we analyze our problems in America! We get to speak with a former police officer and current pastor, Tim Barkett, to hear his take from the perspective of those who serve. Great interview.
  2. Our appearance is designed to be familiar and to put you at ease. We continue our discussion of the Church and social change and upheaval.
  3. Are You Gonna Slay It? We take a deep dive into the relation of the Church to social change and upheaval.
  4. Things are falling apart. Nothing new, just a different way. Jesus falls smack dab in the middle of all this shit!
  5. Steven Paulson introduces the necessary theological topics for investigating Lutheran theology and its evangelical aim.
  6. Riley and Gillespie take a break from the usual format to consider how our nation quickly forgot COVID-19 in the wake of the death of George Floyd. We seek to better understand what is happening regarding the protests and rioting, how it affects the Church, and how Christians might respond.
  7. It's ok to remember those who gave their life for their country and not remind them that Jesus did something greater just so they don't get a big head. You can tell them the Good News however! Sins forgiven - for free!