1. The heartbreak of David and Johnathon.
  2. Paul taking thoughts and opinions into captivity.
  3. Is Saul also among the Prophets?
  4. It is more blessed to give than to receive?
  5. Dr. Paulson discusses contemporary rejections of Martin Luther.
  6. Spear throwing and foreskin gathering.
  7. So what happens when you come to the lowest moment of your life and doubt that anything good can come out of it? God meets you there in His Redeemer. Craig and Troy finish up the book of Ruth.
  8. Godly grief and how the gospel produces generosity.
  9. The love between David and Jonathan, and the suspicion of Saul.
  10. Ruth is given six measures of joy and rest. Boaz does everything he can to protect her integrity and her reputation. God's blessings will fall on them both, and all people will be blessed through Him.