1. Professor and author John Pless joins Craig and Troy to discuss what God calls us to do in our everyday, ordinary lives. The theological name for this is "the doctrine of vocation," but John helps us to see how this is a practical and grace-centered teaching.
  2. God Bless the pandemic! Unfortunately, no one is going to learn from it. The preachers tackle issues others are afraid to even speak out loud! This time - Aliens! Do they exist and if so, would you baptize one?
  3. Craig and Troy wrap up the book of Galatians as Paul cuts the circumcision crowd down to size.
  4. Dr. Paulson talks about the phrase “faith seeking understanding.” The show then focuses on the switch from the analogies of what God is, to where He is found.
  5. On this episode of the Soul of Christianity, Debi and Dan chat with friend and pastor Chris Gallagher. Chris is the pastor of Lutheran Church of the Cross in Oceanside, California, and has known Debi and Dan for over a decade. Pastor Chris’ story is one that you don’t want to miss (he was even once featured on Oprah!)
  6. On this episode of the Soul of Christianity, Debi and Dan chat with Michael Ramsden, President of Ravi Zacharias Ministries. Michael is a treasure trove of anecdotes from his own life as a non-believer turned banker turned apologist.