1. The Last Chorus of The Song of Songs
  2. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss Jesus' prediction of the end times.
  3. Break on Through (To The Other Side). In this episode, we discuss preaching to the dead and how to unlock doors when one doesn’t have a good lock pick. We also discuss Robert Capon’s book, Foolishness of Preaching, reading his Easter sermon on John 10. This podcast episode includes preaching, polity, pastoral care, and renegade priests.
  4. This little book is full of deep thoughts and emphasizes a call to sound doctrine.
  5. The entire body of Christ is beautiful.
  6. A great recounting of the mercies of God throughout the journey on earth. Izzi Ray sings "Honor and Glory".
  7. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss the admiration for the temple expressed by the disciples to Jesus – as well as his response.
  8. This scripture passage is so interesting and complex. A real cautionary tale.