1. Chad and Daniel wrap up the book of Leviticus. It seems like a strange ending but there are things to learn. How did the end of this book play out in the early church?
  2. The early church battles legalism as the Gentiles are brought in. A council is formed and Peter takes a stand.
  3. Paul and Barnabas continue preaching and while the message is spreading, so is the persecution.
  4. Chad and Daniel are back after being on the road for a few weeks! In this episode they discuss the Year of Jubilee, everything it is pointing to and how it's all about Jesus.
  5. Now... okay, so, angels as people, tell me about that. Walk me through it. Gillespie and Riley touch down on Origen's commentary on John's Gospel this week. They discuss martyrology, whether angels come disguised as people, and why it's important to let Scripture interpret Scripture.
  6. Daniel and Erick discuss the woman caught in adultery in a live recording from Tuscarora Conference Center.
  7. I feel the need… the need for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ! In this episode, Gillespie and Riley jump back into another letter from John Hus. This week, they discuss Hus’ letter to the people of Prague, urging them not to give up hope in the midst of persecution.
  8. On this episode, Caleb Keith interviews Haroldo Camacho about his new translation of Luther's Commentary on The Epistle to the Galatians.
  9. No, boys. There's two "O"s in Goose. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley dive into another letter from John Hus. This week, they take a critical look at Hus and discuss the influence of traditional Roman doctrine on Hus’ calls for reform.
  10. Peter is miraculously freed from prison. The church had been praying for it but doesn't believe it when it happens.
  11. A man verbally murders God and is put to death. How does this point us to Christ? The need for witnesses is established. Does an eye for an eye really make the whole world blind?
  12. With this collar on, my superpower is just unbridled preaching! Pastors Gillespie and Riley read a letter from John Huss to John Barbatus about the biblical teaching on who can (and cannot) preach.