1. One of the last questions given to Gretchen and Katie was about Bible study recommendations. This was a perfect transition episode into our next series as we go deep into the topic of Bible studies.
  2. Scott and Caleb move into the Catechism's explanations of the Means of Grace. Starting with Baptism, Luther follows Scripture to explain how God's Word and promises are delivered to us through ordinary means like water.
  3. Experience the reality of God while the world is ending. Ringside Preachers, Craft of Preaching, and Dr. Arthur Just from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne explore how the real tangible gifts of God break through the shadows of this crumbling world.
  4. A dead heart, a quick wedding, and a vulnerable king.
  5. At the outset of His ministry, Jesus' authority is on full display. Authority over sickness, authority over demons, and the authority to call you to follow Him
  6. Scott, Caleb, and Rod read and discuss the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer and Luther’s explanations.
  7. Keep it Spiritual, Keep it Safe. In this episode, the conclusion to our discussion of Gerald Kennedy’s sermon, Communism in the Churches. Should churches mind their own business in regards to social and cultural matters? What happens when churches and Christian organizations avoid controversy in order to maintain the status quo? Does the Gospel have any power outside our churches’ walls?
  8. From the city begun by Mad Anthony in 1794, some mad preachers carry on the revolutionary spirit with some spirited talk about submitting to murderous immoral pagan emperors.
  9. Unrequested protection, a fool, and a wise woman.