1. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth while both are pregnant – Mary with Jesus, and Elizabeth with John.
  2. Craig and Troy return to the little book of Jude, where Jude reminds us of God's authority, ability to judge absolutely.
  3. In this episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price explore the complexities of faith as illustrated in Matthew 16:21-23.
  4. In this episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price discuss Mark chapter 3, focusing on blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
  5. Well, it appears Samson didn't learn his lesson after all.
  6. Kelsi chats with the Reverend Jacob Smith about the authority of Scripture - how we define it and what it means for us - both Christian and non-Christian.
  7. So, how many ways can Samson violate his Naziritic vows (that's a question, Samson, not a challenge!)?
  8. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-NINE, Mike, Wade, and Greg (should he just replace Jason longterm?) discuss the image of God.
  9. In this episode of Tough Text, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price discuss the parable of the rich man and Lazarus from Luke 16, emphasizing the importance of understanding it as a parable rather than a literal account.
  10. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT, Mike, Jason, and Wade build on our previous two episodes on travel, books and language and time and space. Where is God present?
  11. As Craig and Troy continue through the book of Judges, we encounter Jephthah. Did God raise him up, or was he raised up by men?
  12. Gideon swears that none but God will be the leader of Israel, and then immediately becomes a tyrant.