1. When God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, thereafter his story was linked into as God’s story. Psalm 8 speaks of the human being, as humanity, but also of Christ.
  2. In this episode, Dr. Paulson proclaims the defeat of sin, death, and the devil.
  3. Historian Dr. Francisco joins Debi to talk about the resurrection of Jesus as a historical fact.
  4. Happy Easter from the Thinking Fellows. This week, Scott, Adam, and Caleb talk about the centrality and reliability of the Ressurection of Jesus Christ.
  5. What was the significance of the women at the tomb? Did they just happen to be in the right place at the right time, or did Jesus intentionally seek them out first?
  6. We asked Chad Bird about what it means to wrestle with God. Later this summer, he's coming out with his book on Jacob: "Limping with God." Our discussion went from Jacob being renamed to "Israel" which means "wrestles with God" and how wrestling with God was a keyhole to the crucifixion.
  7. We get to hear about the parable of the sower in this episode, as we continue to talk to Daniel Emery Price and Erick Sorensen about their book "Scandalous Stories: a Sort of Commentary on the Parables."
  8. "You have little faith" really just means "You think you have a small Jesus." What Jesus promises He is able to do.
  9. Ringside Preachers and Craft of Preaching join forces to bring you this special edition podcast discussing "Christianity Without Christendom." with Rev. Dr. David Schmitt from Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
  10. Ringside Preachers and Craft of Preaching join forces to bring you this special edition podcast discussing "Christianity Without Christendom." with Rev. Dr. Jeff Gibbs from Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
  11. Christian community is often described as the activity and programs going on at the church. Many people will join a church for the sake of having a tight knit community. But what does Christian community mean?
  12. Need a break from philanthropic looting and virtue signaling? Sit down in your nice new Pottery Barn fluffy sofa, grab your oat milk latte from the ‘bucks and join a real revolution: Ringside.