1. I Hope Our Ministry Makes The Cut. In this episode, the limits of the law, why we feel the need to limit the Gospel, and what happens when ministries diverge.
  2. Are devotions private or public? Craig and Troy speak on the Word in all its forms, especially the Word as it comes to us through the gathered church.
  3. A giver, a thief, a donkey, and a whip in the hand of Jesus.
  4. Proper Skin Care is Important. In this episode, circumcision, the power of symbols, why not all sacraments are the same, and the lessons of history.
  5. Is man essentially good? Most people think so despite the evidence. Since pot is now essentially legal - is it good? ok? What do you tell Johnny?
  6. Katie Perry Can’t Forgive Sins! In this episode, the power of symbols, nailing down why Jesus gave himself for our sin, and grotesque doodles.
  7. A donkey jawbone, a prostitute, and the gates of hell.
  8. God's Word stands objectively true. God's Word is not subject to our feelings or culture. Craig and Troy discuss how the Word operates on us, and you get a few 50-cent words in the mix.
  9. What’s The Harm in a Good Theory? In this episode, we discuss the problem with atonement theories, unleashing the Gospel, and the danger in speculating about God.
  10. Jesus, a rich ruler, a. blind man, and a short tax collector.
  11. A discussion about avoiding danger at all costs, church, communion during the pandemic and other topics.