1. On episode THIRTY-NINE of Let the Bird Fly! Wade, Mike, and Peter are without Ben, but they are joined by EIGHT of their lovely daughters.
  2. It's Christmas! And that means 40 Minutes in the Old Testament and 30 Minutes in the New Testament are coming together again. Daniel, Chad, and Erick tackle the song of Mary recounted in the first chapter of Luke's Gospel.
  3. It's Christmas! And that means 40 Minutes in the Old Testament and 30 Minutes in the New Testament are coming together again.
  4. After some non-spoiler Star Wars talk Daniel and Erick wrap up the "the woes" Jesus dished out on the Pharisees.
  5. Jesus is about to go after those who sit in the seat of Moses. What does that mean and why does Jesus tell the people to listen to them but not follow them?
  6. Jesus is put to the test in a series of questions about taxes, the resurrection of the dead and the greatest commandment.
  7. Jesus tells two stories foreshadowing Israel's rejection of Him and His death.
  8. A cursed fig tree, faith to do anything, mounts being thrown into the sea and the rejection of John the Baptizer.
  9. Two blind men see without sight. People shout "Hosanna" as Jesus rides into Jerusalem. Why is this text so important and what is going on behind that strange word?
  10. On episode TWENTY-EIGHT of Let the Bird Fly! the guys welcome the ever-patient Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard.
  11. Jesus tells a Parable about a master calling workers into His vineyard. What is the point here? How is "begrudging God His generosity" a problem for all of us?
  12. People are bringing children to Jesus and He has to again explain to the disciples why this is not just ok but good. What does it tell us about children and Jesus?